Friday, January 3, 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Red-bellied Woodpecker

The highest temperature I've seen on our thermometer today was 7 degrees.  Combine that with the wind, and let's just say it's been a mighty cold day.

I've been out to feed the birds 3 times today.  There are many birds coming and they are eating a lot of food so I keep replenishing it.  It amazes me that they can survive these cold days, but God made them able to.  I love to feed them so I can watch them and help them out a little!

This morning the suet was almost gone so I decided to toss the remaining chunk on the bird table and put a new piece in the feeder.  The male red-bellied woodpecker found it right away. 

It was frozen very hard but he was determined to eat some of it, as you can see in the following short video.
The female Red-bellied Woodpecker had an easier time with the suet I had just put out (even though it came from my freezer, it was still softer than the little chunk which had been outside all night).
Look at how the wind was ruffling her feathers!

Don't worry about the male, later he was eating at the new suet and easily got some nice big chunks.  Watch him gobble a chunk in this video:
I just love these birds. 
I'm going to try to remember to take photos of some of the other 'less lovely' birds to share with you, that aren't my favorites... but deserve some mention, too.  Like this Starling!


  1. That starling is such a grumpy little fellow! (Though I can't blame him, I'd be pretty grumpy if I had to be out in that weather too.) He might be ugly, but he's certainly got personality! :)


  2. The woodpeckers are very pretty! Thanks for sharing the pictures and video. I've only had a Downy Woodpecker at my feeders so far; hopefully I'll get some others in time!


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