Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Misty Morning Walk...

Or "How Almost Any Photo is Better with a Basset Hound Somewhere in it!

I haven't been posting much lately because I've been busy working on things for a special event (which I might share with you after next Saturday).  But Dr. Ruby is here today and I thought you might need a "Ruby-fix".  So I decided to just snap a bunch of photos on my walk with Ruby this morning and share them with you.

It was quite misty when we started out.
 I love the colors in a misty fall palette though - the soft greens and yellows and browns.   Now, let's add some white and rusty red.

"Glad to be of service to help with your photography" says Ruby.
It was misty, then it started to rain - very gently.

The leaf and raindrop seem to be leading my eye to -- wait, who's that? Ruby!
Ruby forged on ahead while I tried to take photos.

We waited out the rain for a few minutes under a sugar maple tree.
Ruby was eager to move on.  
"Hurry up so I can get back home and take my nap!"

The leaves are changing... some subtly like these Striped Maples, some more drastically like these Burning Bush.

 I enjoyed my walk with Ruby... even though each time I tried to stop to take a close-up photo, she wanted to keep going.  And when I looked at my photos on my laptop after we got back, I found she had photo-bombed quite a few of them!  Oh well, maybe every photo is better with a basset in it!

1 comment:

  1. Cute...she does love having her picture taken! And you certainly did tucker her out...she managed to stay awake for maybe five minutes after we got home! ;)



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