Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dr. Ruby and the Rumble in the Woods

It's been awhile since Dr. Ruby has made an appearance on the blog.  So, if you've been missing her, today is your lucky day!

Ruby comes to my house just about every Thursday and we usually go for a long walk.  Going for a walk with Ruby can be interesting, fun, and possibly frustrating-- if you happen to be in a hurry.  I'm usually not, so it works well for us!  

We have a system.  When Ruby is taking her time sniffing out some good spot, I use that time to look for birds or take photographs.  This morning, right after we started out, I saw a flock of birds a ways off.  Using my binoculars, I was happy to see it was a flock of bluebirds!  By the time I had checked them out with my binoculars for a few moments and switched to my camera, Ruby was ready to be off.  I clicked one photo very quickly, hoping to catch a bluebird or two:
 Well, thanks to digital technology, after zooming in and scrolling around, I see I did manage to capture two of them --
There were actually about 8 of them, but by the time I took the photo, most of them had seen Ruby (who was out ahead of me, moving in their direction) and decided to move along to somewhere else!

Ruby and I moved along, too, at Ruby's pace.  This can sometimes be surprisingly quickly for how short her legs are!
Although as soon as she catches a scent, it can change abruptly.
This morning there was something new to check out.
Luckily, it is at the farthest point away from our house.  Ruby spent quite awhile looking and listening to the rumble coming from that direction.
"What is it Grammy?" she seems to ask.
They are going to drill a gas well there, Ruby.

"Oh, will the Pileated Woodpeckers like that, Grammy?" "I don't know, Ruby."

Ruby and I continue our walk around our path, heading toward home now.  A little flock of Chickadees are "dee-dee-dee-ing" and Ruby notices them and looks up.  But mostly she keeps her nose to the ground!
 I keep Ruby on her leash - because her nose is such a powerful part of her, that if not on the leash I'm afraid she might start following the scent of a deer and be a mile away in no time.  No amount of calling her would probably have any effect and I would not be quick enough to keep up with her! So, it's the leash for her.

Though we do have a regular path we typically follow (and Ruby knows the way), she also goes 'off-trail' often.

Though you'd think she might get tangled up, she is very good at retracing her way!  I don't know if she understands me telling her to "back up", but she almost always gets back to the path without having to be rescued.

Good girl, Rube!

She has one habit that's not so good.  Once we get back close to Grammy's house, she likes to run full speed!  Unfortunately, her leash only goes out 16 feet, so this results in me being yanked quite hard at times!  And what is her big hurry???

To get back home and take a nap!
Ruby about 2 minutes after we got home!


  1. Very cute pictures of Ruby! I saw some bluebirds today too. It seems like they should be going South by now, shouldn't they?

    1. Sara,
      My Sibley's Guide shows us being in the northern-most region for all-year long bluebird residence. I have seen them here in the winter - their earliest appearance on our "year list" was March 3rd (which I'd still consider winter!). It probably depends a lot on the food supply and weather. They may be here all winter and we just don't see them because of two things... we're not out where they are in bad weather and two... where they are is probably hiding in a thicket where we don't go!


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