Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

To Bogota and Beyond, and Back Home

This is not a travel blog, so I'm going to spare you the grim details of air travel from the snowy, bitter cold little corner of my world to the tropics of Colombia.  That's where I've been the last two weeks, visiting friends who are missionaries.  

Of course, I could not travel to Bogota (and beyond) without my camera and binoculars!  Once I've had time to sort my photos, I plan to share many of them with you.  Just thought I'd let you know why I haven't been able to post on the blog, and give you a taste of what is coming!
After arriving home, I was pleased to see all the birds here, too!  Someone was filling our feeders while we were away, but not, as my husband said "spoiling them" like I do. 


  1. Welcome back Nancy!! Was praying for your trip. Looking forward to future pictures of all of the birds and flowers in Columbia!

  2. Wow, what a gorgeous bird! Can't wait to see more of your Columbia photos. :)


  3. Glad you were able to get away to it all. Will be nice to see what you saw.


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