Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Monday, May 5, 2014

What's Blooming Here - Early May

This isn't meant to be a comprehensive list of what's blooming here.  To keep up with a really complete record of what's in bloom might not be too difficult at the beginning of the season, but I don't think I could keep up with it after awhile!  And this blog is for our enjoyment, not serious record-keeping.  

I love to stomp around in the woods to see what wildflowers I can find.  (though I'm very careful not to stomp ON them!)  But you can even see quite a few right from your car.  Be careful if you are driving, please!

I'll start with one that you are perhaps most likely to see and has been in bloom the longest.  That would be Coltsfoot.  They have been blooming along the roadsides in damp ditches for a few weeks now (since about the middle of April here this year).
Some of them are already showing their fluffy seed heads, another similarity they have with Dandelions.  (Though, sorry, I don't have a photo of that!)
Another flower you can see right from your car -- usually in lawns, are Quaker Ladies, also called Bluets.  We used to have some large patches of them in the old cow pasture, but search though I did, this year I only found this tiny bunch:
They are quite diminutive - only about 2" high, so in small quantities they are easily overlooked unless you love them like I do and keep a careful eye out.  

Finding only a tiny patch on our farm made me a bit jealous of our neighbor's lovely patch:
Though, mainly I am just glad they are there!
You can enjoy them from afar, but they are also exquisite up close:
The next blooms you might also see from your car.  I know where there are some growing in a roadside ditch near our house.  However, the ones in the next two photos were taken up on our hill.
They are Marsh Marigolds and they do love to grow right in the water.
Violets are also beginning to bloom.  
This one's a Sweet Yellow Violet, but many other kinds are or will soon be blooming.

The Dog-toothed Violets (which aren't really violets at all but are in the Lily family) are blooming brightly on sunny days now.   Amazingly enough, this batch was blooming right along our road a few years ago:
April 25, 2008
The next photo is how you are more likely to see them unless it's a warm, sunny day-- and there are almost always many more of their mottled leaves than there are flowers.
The Red Trillium are starting to bloom now.
As you can see there are more buds still to open.  

Next is a patch of Squirrel Corn in our woods.  It's dainty, silvery foliage is very pretty in person, though a little hard to see in the photo.  I wanted to show you how many leaves are there and only one flower stem (at least so far).
Squirrel Corn foliage stretches from in front of the rock on the left side of the photo to the right end of the log in the middle foreground.
Here's what it looks like up close:
And even closer...
I can't show you why it has the name Squirrel Corn, because I did not want to dig up any of the roots (which are corms said to resemble small ears of corn, hence the name).  It apparently is on the endangered species list in New Jersey, and I don't know if that is true in Pennsylvania, but in any case it doesn't seem right to dig it up!

Also blooming now in my woods are Twinleaf.  I have not ever found this plant in the wild, though it is a native of Pennsylvania.  My plants came from Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve and have been happy where they were planted and seeded themselves into a nice bunch.  You can read more about both Twinleaf and Bowman's Hill in a post I wrote last spring by clicking here.
So, there you have some of the wild things that are blooming in my neck of the woods.  What's blooming where you live?


  1. Hi Nancy,
    I love reading your blog-- always learn something new and am thankful for your knowledge! I always look forward to new posts. Our God's world is indeed magnificent!


  2. Sue,
    Thanks so much! I'm learning new things all the time, too and I'm glad to share. God gets all the glory for His creation!
    Love, Nancy

  3. The photos are all so beautiful, I couldn't pick a favorite. Though I might request more photos of the trilliums?? ;)



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