Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Chipmunks and Cheerios

On a whim on Tuesday I decided to give our chipmunk some Cheerios.  We had some that were past their 'best by' date and I was thinking about what to do with them.  When I say 'our chipmunk', I'm talking about the chipmunk/chipmunks who live in or around the pile of rocks under the birdbath in my herb garden.  It's conveniently located for them close to where they can also find plenty of sunflower seeds.  A chipmunk or two (or ten?) also scamper back and forth between our little woods and the rock pile.  

The Cherrios remained there all day, until late afternoon when a chipmunk finally found them.
Once found, it didn't take him long to dispose of them.  

"For me?  Don't mind if I do!"
The first batch were tasted, and thought good.  Though the round shape did pose a bit of a problem... 

"Sunflower seeds don't roll like this"!
"Got it"!

I put the next few Cheerios in a different spot, where they wouldn't be so apt to roll away.
Cherrios are just right for little hands.
Are they good for chipmunks?  I'm not sure, so I only gave him a few.
"I think I'll have another."

He seemed to think they were tasty, but rather dry.  Good thing there is water available nearby.
One reason I didn't put more Cherrios out was I didn't think they would store too well in an underground larder.  

He filled up his cheek pouches with the remaining cereal.  His puffy profile seems out of proportion with the amount of Cherrios there were.  I think he was debating whether to try to get the one out of the water.  See it there on the right side of the birdbath?  (He left it.)
Today, he was back, and hunting around again-- but he had to 'settle' for seeds.
"More Cheerios, please?"


  1. Ha, so funny, that was a great idea! The chippies might be annoying when they dig holes and eat bulbs, but I think they make up for it by being so stinking cute! :)


    1. I agree about the cuteness, Laura. And now I just don't plant bulbs that they will eat. Got to be smarter than the chipmunks, right?


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