Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

T & T Part 9: The Critters

Are you enjoying our virtual field trip to Trinidad and Tobago?  It's taking a bit longer than I expected to write about our trip-- mostly because it's a busy time of year for me at home... taking care of the gardens and such.  I still have a few more things I want to show you, so I hope you will hang in there with me.  

Today's post is one I've been thinking about for awhile, mainly because I've been trying to come up with what to write.  Finally, I decided I don't need to write much, just let the photos speak for themselves.  As we all know, a picture is worth a thousands words!

Another dilemma I had was in choosing a title.  I decided on 'The Critters' instead of 'The Cute Critters'.  "Cuteness is in the eye of the beholder", to slightly modify an old expression.  You can decide for yourself which of the following animals you think fit the description of cute: adorable, sweet, lovable, delightful, or darling.

I'm pretty sure most of my readers will agree that this White-fronted Capuchin is cute.  He and his twin brother or sister were playing and eating up in the trees in the Bush Bush on Trinidad.
The little ones were adorable as far as I am concerned and the older one we watched for awhile was, too.
It was fun to watch him use his tail for balance as he went swinging thru the trees.
He was not too mannerly of an eater though, as you can see in the next video.  The first part is the twins (don't miss the part where one of them shows how bold he is and tries to scare me away!) and the second half shows the older monkey eating his nut.

The next guy might be considered cute.  It's a Red-rumped Agouti.  They are in the Rodentia order and at Asa Wright Nature Centre where we saw them, they were mostly looked upon as 'rats'. 

No one paid them too much attention after the first one they saw.  (Seriously, why would you when there are oodles of hummingbirds to watch?)
An agouti in the distance at the feeders in front of the veranda.
They are attracted to the area below the veranda for the same reason as the other creatures... the food.

Look carefully in the above photo for the Golden Tegu.
Do you think he's cute?
Maybe a little bit?  Would it help if I tell you they only grow to about 2 - 3 feet long and weigh up to 8 pounds (4 kg)?

We saw the next lizards at the Cuffie River Nature Retreat on Tobago.  They were scurrying around in the driveway beneath our balcony.  I don't know what they are called... but probably not "cute"!  What do you think?  I do like how one has blue markings and the other one has green.  Also, the Allamanda flower adds a nice touch to the scene.
The next cuties are domestic animals.  But I'm a farm girl from way back so I love cows.
This calf and a few goats were in a field along a road we were birding.  I couldn't resist photographing them, especially with the beautiful mountains in the background.  I don't know if the calf is a Guernsey (my favorite) but it sure looks like it might be.

These cows are also kind of cute, I think.  They might be stretching the definition a little, but just look at those faces.
Speaking of faces, here's looking at you, Mr. Crab.
This photo is just begging for a cute caption... if you have one, please leave it in the 'comments'.
He was one of the biggest ground crabs we saw in Trinidad, and we saw quite a few!  He doesn't look as big when you have something to compare him to though.
See the crab right along the wall?
Okay, we are going from critters that are definitely cute, to possibly cute, to.... well, I'm sure there is someone reading this who would say this last guy IS adorable, sweet, lovable, delightful, or darling!
While there is nothing in the photo to compare his size to, I will tell you he is about the size of a dinner plate.  In other words, BIG!  He's a tarantula we saw on a guided 'Night Hike' at Asa Wright Nature Center.  Our guide knew where to look for him (he lives in a certain patch of bamboo).   He was pretty neat to see-- from the distance of several yards away.  But, cute?  No!

I vote for the monkeys as the cutest, how about you?


  1. Well, I think they're all at least fairly cute! (Except for the spider, I must admit, though it is rather interesting looking.) I like the sweet monkeys of course and I think the golden lizard is rather pretty. I think the crab looks like it's doing its best to be invisible to that big orange thing!! :)

    I'm still very much enjoying your trip pictures. It's great that you guys got to see such a range of things...not just birds, right?


    1. Laura, Thanks, as always, for your nice comment!

      Love, Mom


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