Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Furred and Feathered Babies Abound Around Here!

It's a busy time of year for both furry and feathered parents! We don't have a name for our place, but last night I was thinking it ought to be called 'Rabbit Hill'.  I could see rabbit families in three directions from our front deck!  There was lots of nibbling of grass and playing going on.  I probably wouldn't be happy if they were nibbling my flowers or vegetables, but our yard provides plenty of clover and yummy weeds for them to eat, and so far my plants have been safe.  

These bunnies were in the front yard:
 You might remember the next bunnies from my other post.  They are growing fast.
And having fun, too!  They were bouncing around and chasing either other.
Still more bunnies... and you can see the white clover in bloom that they love to eat.  The yellow flowers are Yellow Hawkweed (which I don't think they were eating).
There's also quite a bit of action at the bird feeders.  I used to take my feeders down once winter was over, but then I discovered how much fun it is to feed them during the spring and summer.  (Though we have to bring them in at night, because otherwise we have visits from Black Bears.)  

When the birds have babies in the nest, the parents will carry food back with them to feed their nestlings, like this Red-bellied Woodpecker with a chunk of suet.

You can see the red belly for which they are named in this photo!
Once their babies have fledged, they bring them along to the feeders to show them a good place to eat, like this Mourning Dove and baby.
"There's nothing here, dearest, but wait til we get up on the deck."

"I'm following you, Momma."
After wandering thru my herb bed, they came up on the deck, where the baby tried to figure out what was food and what was not!

"Nope,  just dirt!"
A trio of House Finch babies relentlessly chirped at and followed their parent around, asking to be fed.
 Everywhere he went, they were right behind!

 Our rain gauge became a baby House Finch measuring stick.

And down underneath the deck was another furry baby... the cutest one of all!  I think he's going to be a nature explorer.
"I will see what is under here!"
"I am examining these plants closer... yes, they are FERNS"

"Hi, my name is Mac!"

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