Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Bunny Tale

I had something else planned for my next post, but today something popped up!  Bunnies popped up, actually - four of them!

It's really too bad Ruby, PhD, wasn't here.... she would have been very excited.  Even if she didn't see what happened (which would have been likely), she would have had fun figuring it out later with her nose!  Here's the story as told by Cottontail-- (not Peter this time)!
 Once upon a time, there was a lady on a huge, loud lawn mower.  It came very close to our rabbit nest in the tall grass.  We were scared!  We didn't know what to do, but the noise was just too much, so all four of us popped up and ran!  

 Two of my sisters went running across the short grass and then disappeared into the tall grass on the other side.  But Peter and I ran right to the door of the shed.  (No, not Mr. McGregor’s).  Peter found a pretty good hiding spot.  I wasn't so lucky!
That's me on the right.  Can you see Peter in his hiding place under the left side of the door?
 The lady stopped the noisy mower, thank goodness!  She left for a minute or two, but then came back with a strange-looking black thing that she pointed at me.  It made some clicking sounds.  I tried to disappear by making myself as small as I could.
Can you still see me?
The next thing I knew, the lady very gently picked me up!  Oh my!
The black thing clicked again.  But for some reason I wasn't scared.  Very quickly, the lady put me right down in the tall grass near our nest.  Even though she didn't hurt me, I was glad to be back there!
I wonder what Peter is doing?
I know the lady went back that way....maybe she clicked that black thing at Peter, too.  I'm sure she won't hurt him, because she was very gentle with me.
Peter hasn't come back yet, so maybe Mother will have to go looking for him.  I know he was safe though and will get back home.  He will probably even get to have bread and milk and blackberries for dinner, because he wasn't a bad bunny (this time!), he just was a little too scared to stay where Mama said.  Flopsy and Mopsy will be able to find their way home, too, because they are smart little bunnies.  
The End.



  1. Oh, they are so sweet! I love the little white dot on the one. Ruby definitely would have loved them!!


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