Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Birding by Ear While Window Washing

The sunshine was really bright this morning.  So bright that it definitely showed up the dirt on our windows.   I decided I shouldn’t put off washing them any longer, unlike last Thursday, when I skipped out for a walk instead.  

I started to work on the outside of the kitchen window first.  A Baltimore Oriole was scolding me with his harsh rattle because he wanted to come to the grape jelly feeder, and I was too close. 

Baltimore Oriole
Then I washed the windows at the back of the house.   The tree swallows at the nesting box on the garden fence were making their funny gurgling squeeks.
Tree Swallows
From there I could hear a Field Sparrow up in the old pasture, too.  For small birds they sure are loud! And I could hear a Cardinal singing “Wick, wick, wick.... Cheer! Cheer!”

Then I went around to the front of the house.   Birds were literally making a racket out there.  From the beaver swamp across the road, Canada Geese were honking and Red-winged Blackbirds were singing “O-ka-lee".   I could hear Wood Ducks and a Great-blue Heron.    

Canada Goose

Pair of Wood Ducks
 That’s when I realized, even though I was stuck at the house, washing windows... I could listen for birds at the same time.  So I really started paying attention to everything I could hear. 

A chickadee sang, then a White-breasted Nuthatch was “yank, yank”-ing over in the woods.  There was the loud squawking of a Woodpecker.... it could be a Pileated or a  Northern Flicker.  They sound very much alike, but this was so loud, I’d guess it was a Pileated. 

I also could hear and see a noisy Red-bellied Woodpecker in a tree right down front.  He likes to come to our suet log.

Red-bellied Woodpecker
There was a Robin singing “Cheer up, cherrily, cheer up!”  A Goldfinch flew by singing on its way...  “Per-chic-o-ree”.  They are such cheerful birds especially now that they are in their bright yellow summer attire.  

I heard a House Wren's bubbly song and thought of my Mom, who always was glad when a wren would choose to use the nest box in her “drying yard”.  How nice it is to hang out laundry while listening to the sweet song of a Wren! 

Then I heard another tune.  Was that a Yellow Warbler?  Yes!  First of the year.  I HAD to see it, so I stopped my window washing and grabbed my binoculars and camera - time for a little break. 

Yellow Warbler
Meanwhile, another voice I hadn’t heard yet this spring sang out in nearby tree... a Warbling Vireo.  A minute or two later, I heard another first-of-the-spring song - a Common Yellowthroat.  If I hadn’t been on the front deck washing windows, I might have missed the arrival of these three birds.  I felt rewarded for my efforts! 

I only took a quick break and then finished my work for the day.  After I had written a list of the birds I had heard and seen, I had a total of 18 species.  I’m sure I could have seen more if I’d actually gone out for a walk... but that’s not bad for window-washing birding-by-ear!  Plus, we now have nice clean windows...

 to look out at this beautiful view!


  1. thanks nancy, plus the windows look great.HT.

  2. Elaine BieseckerMay 3, 2013 at 6:39 AM

    Thanks Nancy! Love your blog!


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