Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Snowshoe Haiku

Remember how hot it was last summer?  Just barely, I know.  Last July I wrote a post called "Heat Wave Haiku" and now I think it's time for a cold weather version.  Just as the heat wave last summer tried our patience, this cold and snowy winter seems to go on and on.  So, here's my hibernation haiku story...

Waking up to snow...
If only I was a bear,
I would keep sleeping 

Or a small chipmunk
Curled up and cozy under
my snowy blanket

Instead I’ll become
a snowshoe hare though I’m not
nearly as graceful

Colorless morning
No sunshine, no shadows though
patterns delight me

Lonely dock waiting
blue and green kayaks slumber
away in our garage

Deer here before me
walked in my previous path
now I’ll follow his

Toes feeling nippy
even so I am lucky
a warm home awaits me
Deer keeps on walking
Chipmunk and bear still sleeping
Spring are you coming?

Please hurry!

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