Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Black and Red

Colors of the day are.... black and red!

Beginning with this red-winged blackbird who arrived at our bird table this morning.  It's the only one I've seen so far this year, but maybe he's a vanguard and more are on the way back from Central America?  Before long, we'll probably have dozens of them in the swamp. 

Next black and red of the day.... Mr. Mac!
He came for a visit today, so of course we went for a walk.
It was another good day for making shadows on the snow.  Mac's shadows are bit different than Ruby's.
"I'm glad you are wearing that nice bright red collar and leash, Mac!  You look very handsome!"

We walked to the top of the hill.  Mac could stay right on top of the snow.  Walking wasn't quite as easy for me.  Sometime I could stay on top and other times not!
Mac is pretty much the total opposite to Ruby in looks, but he likes to keep track of scents along the way almost as much as Ruby.
Heading back, we hear the lone red-winged blackbird singing "O-ka-leeee" near the thicket by the spring.  That's a good place for him, as the beaver swamp is still completely frozen over.

Next thing we hear are some robins chirping!  There is a small flock of them in a wild apple tree.

Have you seen a robin yet this year? There's one in the next photo... see if you can find it:
A closer look:
I know, it looks like a fat apple with a beak, but it's a robin!  There it goes....
There are more though...  this one looks like it has its eye on that apple.
 Here's another one-- with a 'prize' apple on the ground:
It was busy pecking at it, as Mac and I got closer and closer.
 "This is MY apple!"
"You can have your apple.  Mac and I will go back inside.  It's still pretty cold here, after all.  WHY did you come back here from the warm south?"  

Oh, you say, "Spring is coming!"  Great, we're all ready!

And Mac and I will watch for birds from inside the window-- where it's warm!

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