Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Prime Real Estate

Just the other day, I mentioned to the Mr. that some of our bluebird boxes were getting rather shabby.  Possibly needed new roofs.  Instead of renovations, he made some completely new ones and put them up.  Wasn't that nice?  The birds thought so, too.
The past three mornings, Papa and Mama Bluebird have been house hunting.  
 "How about letting me have a look inside?"
"Okay, Mama, take a look."

"It seems pretty nice, but I'm just not sure", says Mama.

"And what if those pesky House Sparrows come back?"
"You know, they were actually already starting to claim it as theirs, until that lady cleaned their stuff out -- 
said they didn't have a lease for it!"
"Yes, well, they seemed to have moved on, dear... at least for the moment." replies Papa.
"All their stuff is gone."
"Perhaps it's just a little too close to the people-house?" says Mama, thinking out loud.
"Okay, then what about this one?  It's farther away, but the house is basically the same," Papa replies.
"Honey, we don't have to decide today.  Let's go have some breakfast!" says Papa, and off he flies.
Time will tell if the bluebirds make their home in one of these boxes, or somewhere else entirely.  I'm not sure where they are spending their afternoons... they might be looking at more real estate.  But I'm really hoping they will decide to nest where I can watch them right outside our window!

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