Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

What's Happening

It's been a little longer than usual since I've written a blog post.  Why? I've been trying to settle on a topic.  It's that time of year when lots of things are happening outside my door.  

Should I tell you about my first butterfly sighting of the spring?  I was so excited to see this Mourning Cloak on April 6th and to be able to look it up and read about them in the Butterfly Field Guide I received as a Christmas gift.  I'm hoping to start learning to identify more butterflies this year.
Or should I tell you about the first snake that I almost stepped on while watching the Golden-crown Kinglets that are still hanging around in our woods?
I'm sorry, but I don't have a snake field guide.  (or too much desire for one!) but maybe after I learn more about butterflies I'll have to learn about snakes.  He was a very brave little snake (eastern garter snake,  I think... anyone know?)  He was only about a foot long and was trying to scare me away by sticking out and waving his tiny tongue!  I tried to get a photo of him with it showing, but he was too quick for me and there was more to see in the woods, so I moved on.
Were any hepaticas blooming yet?  I found only one.
I'll be anxious to come back and check this patch of them in a few more days.
No flowers there yet, but aren't the leaves pretty?
I could tell you about how our Coltsfoot has started blooming, but I'd like to do a whole post about them sometime.  Anyway, here's a peek.  You know they aren't dandelions, right?!  (I have seen a couple of those blooming, too.)
Dandelions and Coltsfoot are easily mistaken, as they have similar yellow flowers if seen from a distance, but up close Coltsfoot look like this:

These are near our mailbox.  I enjoy their bright color this time of year!  

I could tell you about the tree swallows.  They're back, and they are starting to choose their territories.
These two are right over my head as I walk back from getting our mail.  They have chosen the bird house on the pole nearby.  One dive bombs me as they protect their home!  I'm used to it, as they do this every year.  Still, it's hard not to flinch as they come close!
This one is on a different box a little way up in the field, and doesn't seem to mind as much when Ruby and I walk by.
Ruby doesn't notice the swallow (she's too busy smelling something at her level over in the woods)  But she does like to watch the birds.
It was so nice on Thursday afternoon that Ruby spent quite a bit of time out on our deck.  The chickadees are not afraid of her - see one on the feeder?  Maybe they are friends, as they don't even scold her for being close-by, like they would if it was me.

I could give you an update on our bluebirds.  They still haven't seemed to have made up their minds about which box to use.  

 Mr. Bluebird was keeping an eye on the neighborhood for danger, while Mrs. Bluebird performed her morning preening.

As you can see, as I said... there is a lot going on.  There is one more thing I want to share with you.  There is nothing to see in the following video (it was dark outside when it was taken).  It's what you can hear that is exciting to me!
Yes, the Peepers down by the swamp started their spring chorus on Thursday night.  I want to tell you more about them sometime, too.... but that's it for now!


  1. nice to know it's coltsfoot in my yard, and hear your peepers, thanks

  2. Yay! I love the peepers! And the rest of the photos were great too :-) Thanks for sharing!

  3. We listened to your peepers last night on the way home from church. :)


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