Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

I LOVE SNOW!!!! - Guest Post by Mac Dog

 Introduction:  I told Mac Dog he could write a guest post about winter, because Dr. Ruby, PhD did.   Ruby's post about how to enjoy winter has been one of the most popular on this blog.  So of course, in the spirit of good old family competition, Mac wants to see if he can outdo her.  (Is there such a thing as dog-cousin rivalry?)  
Okay, take it, Mac...

"Hhhhaa - Rrrrr-OH!"

(Translation: "Hello")*  

I am Mac Dog.  My family calls me Mac Dog because that is who I am, plain and simple.  (No fancy letters after my name!) My family calls me other things sometimes, too, and all my nicknames are fine with me because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my family!

I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE snow!!!

It is SO fun to play in!
 It is fun to WALK in!
It is FUN to poke my nose into and see what smells I can find!
It is FUN to run back to Grammy and get a treat!
She always has treats in her pockets.  I LOVE that!  I will LEAP thru the snow to come to her! (even if she didn't have a treat).
I always keep my eye on my family (because I LOVE them SO much!).  Even while having fun in the snow, I am watchful.
In conclusion, I, Mac Dog say--  walk, run, and play in the snow and you will love winter, too!  Also, make sure your family knows you LOVE them.  

After a winter walk, it is okay to take a little rest, as long as you are still watching over your family.
 The End. 

(Oh, and even though I LOVE my cousin, Ruby (I really DO), I want my post to get more 'hits' than hers.... so click on mine, and share it, and DON'T read Ruby's..... THANK YOU VERY MUCH)

*Yes, Mac Dog can say hello.

PS - from Nancy: Mac Dog does use a lot of capital letters and exclamation points.  That's his style.

PPS - Mac would not let me put a link to Dr. Ruby's post.  He says please do not click on Ruby's -- only his.  Thank you!



  1. I love your post Mac Dog! It looks like you really enjoyed playing in the snow too!

  2. Great post Macky! You're definitely much better at getting around in the snow than Ruby - those nice long legs you've got. And your family LOVES YOU TOO!!! :)

    Auntie Laura

  3. I have to remain impartial where dogs are concerned. but this is definitely a quality post


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