Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Friday, December 27, 2013

A Christmas Eve Visitor

On Christmas Eve, we had a blast of lake-effect snow.  I was in my nice warm kitchen most of the day, doing some Christmas baking and cooking.  While I worked, I was entertained by the birds at the feeders outside the window.  Besides the birds, there was a visitor I hadn't seen for quite awhile.... a Red Squirrel.

At first he had his back to me.
What a handsome sight his rusty coat was against the white snow and green pine boughs!

He was busy eating and I was busy working, but I kept watching.  As the snow continued, he found a spot right under the White Pine branch to proceed with his meal.
Red Squirrels eat many kinds of wild foods -- the seeds from evergreen cones, most any kind of other seeds, plus acorns, insects, buds and twigs, mushrooms, and even eggs and young birds.  They store food for the winter in "middens"which are caches near their nests which can contain up to a bushel of dried foods.   This one seemed pretty intent on filling up his stomach right on my bird table however!
"Yum, yum!"
Red squirrels are very alert and territorial.  They can chase off grey squirrels (which are almost twice their size).  They are also very agile and quick!  They need to be, because they can be preyed upon by hawks, owls, coyotes, house cats, weasels and the like.  So, this one was keeping an eye out for trouble!
It's okay, just a junco! Back to eating...
He is pretty well hidden under those pine boughs anyway.  Can you see him in the next photo?  Look near the middle of the table, for his tail sticking out.
His tail is not as bushy as a grey squirrels, but it sure is a beautiful color!
Having him visit brightened my day, and I hope these pictures of him will brighten yours!

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