Swamp Four Seasons

Swamp Four Seasons
Blessed by the beauty of Creation -
Sharing what I see from my little place in His world!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Posts You Might Have Missed in 2015

Today my RSS Reader is filled with blogs that have headlines like "Top Ten Posts of 2015." 

I, however, decided to feature my "bottom five" or as today's title says, "Posts You Might Have Missed."

It's hard for me to believe, but one of my 2015 posts with the least number of hits featured Ruby.  I think that Ruby has quite a few fans out there, so in case you missed this one, here's a link:  Ruby, the Trees and More.
You'll have to read it to see what the "more" was!

Another post with low numbers was one simply titled, "Nests!"  Ruby is in that one, too!  While the title is self-explanatory, here's a look at how Ruby was able to fit in:
I have to say, I really enjoyed looking back through the next low-numbers post.  With the drab weather we've had the last few weeks, it was fun to see the spring wildflowers in "Late Spring Lovelys".  I remember struggling over the spelling of "lovelys" / "lovelies"???  Anyway, here's a peak at what you'll see if you go back and read that one:
The next of the 'bottom five' list was a post I wrote about our April birding trip to Texas.  In it, I posted a lot of the photos I took while we were there... some good, some not so good, and I wrote about making the choice between grabbing your camera or your binoculars when you see a bird.  I thought it was interesting, but not many people read it.  So, here's a link if you missed Birding Photography - Texas Birds.
I don't know these people, they were just patiently waiting to try to capture a photo of a Cerulean Warbler.
The final in my 'bottom five' is one that is dear to my heart, because it's about turtles.  Again, it is from our trip to Texas in April.  We happened to be in the right place at the right time to witness a Green Turtle release!  Here's the link for that one: For the Love of Turtles
I've had fun looking back through the photos I've put on the blog this past year.  It would be hard for me to pick a favorite post... would it be the ones about our bluebirds or barn swallows?  Maybe the chipmunks, or wait... the baby bunnies were cute!  Then again, there was the unexpected cuteness of the little groundhogs.  Or the excitement of the black bear.  

Maybe you are wondering what the top post of 2015 was for "This Is My Father's World"?  I will admit to being somewhat disappointed to say it was one called "To Bogota and Beyond, and Back Home". 
The reason for my disappointment is because that post was just a quick note about why I hadn't blogged for two weeks (we'd been in Colombia) and to say I would start posting photos from there when I had a chance.  I really don't know why it got (and continues to get) so many hits... there must be people searching the internet for something that leads them to it!  

This will be my 63rd post for 2015.  You can find the whole list of titles at the bottom of the blog page, below the thumbnail photos of the recent favorites.  

I'd love to hear which post you enjoyed the most... was it one of the ones I mentioned already or was it one about the Monarchs, or the Hummingbirds, or something else?

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2016!


  1. I don't know if I could pick a favorite post, but I mostly wanted to say, wow, 63 posts!! That's a lot and I've enjoyed them all. Great work this year! :)


  2. I agree 63 is a whole lotta blogging going on,that may be why I missed some. You do a good job I enjoy every one I read

    1. Helen, Thanks and I appreciate that you comment frequently!



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